Pruned Boughs
Michael Hannon 2008
This book of previously unpublished poems is the third in a series of Ninja Press publications written by this generous & highly favored poet.
Pruned Boughs, first symptoms of an involuntary deconstruction, previous poetic habits exploded, the words themselves laid bare, & beginning to insist on a prosody reduced to its least unit, which is two – binary poems, an idée fixe, font of clear abstractions, poetry roots embedded in the narrow remnants of an outraged lyricism, to see afresh, what is, beyond all hope or wishing, the mortal world.
— Michael Hannon
The type is hand set Meridien with Weiss Initials Series III for the display, printed letterpress on dampened Frankfurt in three colors. A simple decorative device used throughout, printed and hand-brushed with iridescent mica, is from a punch cut by Carolee Campbell, then struck into a matrix and cast by Theo Rehak. The book is sewn into walnut-stained flax paper covers, handmade at Cave Paper. With its rich walnut cover & stark white text paper, this slender volume brings into sharp relief the somber prospect invoked by these poems.
100 signed & numbered copies complete the edition along with 12 lettered hors commerce.
10 inches by 5 inches. 24 pages.